DigitAll DigitAll: analogue en digital stuff

Scents and prototyping

Our smell is much less tangible than touch, hearing, or vision. There is yet no digital, electronic, or mechanical equivalent for the molecules that tease our noses. And how we label our nose sensations is the least objective of them all. So a controlled use of scents in arts, games and environment control is an ongoing and long-cherished wish. From technical point of view there are a diversity of techniques to bring the smells in the air: heating, atomising, through solvents, nebulizing... all with there own specific technical merites.

 scent-switch protoscent-switch proto

I experimented, build and developped several prototypes for scent related projects:

Read more: Scents and prototyping

Hacked Beatle scooter

While preparing an art work I had to hack an old "scootmobiel".
It was not easy but its working now.
Some pictures of the work in progress.

Beatle under reconstruction

Swarm intelligence

Intriguing developments in swarming intelligence...
Look at formation flight and the amazing "8" figure at the end.

Running Robot

I like this very much.
It's obvious for me that one day I will consider a robots like this my friend.
The way he turns his upper-body, amazing! (look at the running part).
Our Jog-palls, our cooking-prince...

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