Power saving
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- Created: Tuesday, 19 April 2016 17:14
Q: How to reduce the power while running on batteries?
The best resource about power saving I ever found: http://www.gammon.com.au/power
Using the Arduino IDE:
ESP.deepSleep(sleepduration * 1000000);
//system_deep_sleep(slaapduration* 1000000); //sleep time in usecs. 10000000 = 10 secs.
I've been updating and deep-sleeping an ESP-F12 for more than 26000 times on 3 AA batteries. I use the mcp1700 which outputs 250 mA at 3,3V. I experienced that this is sufficient for the ESP's.
You need to connect XPD_DCDC (8) pin with the reset to enable the automatic wake-up. Check the reset connections in the picture below. The ESP-01 has not exposed this pin. If you are a skilled solderer you can try to hack the pin needed. Check this: http://tim.jagenberg.info/2015/01/18/low-power-esp8266/
You may also consider to remove the led if there is no visual feedback neccesary.