Some nice interfaces: Volt to midi - Midi to volt - OSC to Volt + PWM and reverse. Some nice aplications of students on "project examples"
This is a do it yourself version of the Arduino sensor-board. Cheap! Arduino is an open-source microcontroller hard- and software, environment:
He, this is quite the same as my knittery. Look at it. Lots of examples... I think a ftir table will add more in the end. Check ftir on this site.
Code Mercenaries has some interesting electronic devices to control xp by USB. Seems very easy and not so expensive. I didn't try it.
Bijzonder interface, de makers zijn te vinden op
Midibox operating system. Een bijzonder hard/software project om eigen midisystemen te ontwerpen. Ik ben bezig met de bouw van een visuele midi-sequenser op basis van dit project.